Iguaria Camponesa delivery

Iguaria Camponesa

R. Abel Viana 37, Faro, Portugal

🛍 Peixe, Bife, europeu, Terraço, Português

3.9 💬103 Comentários

Encomendar comida online a partir de Iguaria Camponesa

Há muitas ocasiões em que é prático ter a comida entregue diretamente à sua porta. Você tem mais tempo para fazer o que realmente quer quando pega a sua comida diretamente do seu Taverna, sem ter que buscá-la. Aproveite o sol, passe tempo com amigos e entes queridos ou encontre-se com seus colegas. Quando fizer o seu pedido para a próxima festa da empresa, dê a seus funcionários a liberdade de escolher exatamente o que querem - um gesto que certamente irão apreciar. A entrega do pedido em casa é fácil, conveniente e sempre deliciosa!. Pedir comida está se tornando cada vez mais popular, e com razão: nos permite ter mais tempo para o que queremos fazer, em vez de lidar com tarefas irritantes. Como hoje em dia temos tanto para fazer, tentamos retirar o preparar da sua lista para que você possa passar mais tempo com sua família e amigos. E se você gosta de cozinhar, encomendar comida online em um Estabelecimento é uma ótima maneira de descobrir novos pratos que você pode experimentar por si mesmo.



Prof. Gordon Reinger IV
Prof. Gordon Reinger IV

restaurant in a non-turistic area, it was empty and the atmosphere was a bit unhappy as we were the only customer, there were few people watching the game in tw. the location is a little old, with old furniture that runs the restaurant was nice and friendly and she tries to speak a bit in English as we do not speak Portuguese. eating was average, something they can cook themselves at home.

Menu completo 138 opções

Encomende já o seu almoço ou jantar no Iguaria Camponesa, rápido, fácil, online! Quer seja para uma festa de empresa, ou para o seu aniversário, garantido pelo serviço de entregas ao domicílio de Iguaria Camponesa a partir de Faro.


Samir Walsh
Samir Walsh

we booked the restaurant 4 hours before, but when we arrived, we realized that the restaurant did not check the app to book the tables. still we sat on an empty table and the hired brought bread and olive. we only ate the olives. we asked ourselves about the codfish, but the coworker said it would take half an hour to prepare and therefore we asked for the grilled squiden. it took 50 minutes for them to bring the ink fish, and when it arrived, we had to ask for better measurrs, as the ink fish was really hard and they were not cleaned in the inner. at the end, they wanted to recharge the broth we didn't ask, because we should tell them not to put it on the table when they brought it. lame experience, not repeat.

Annabell Douglas II
Annabell Douglas II

The restaurant, at sunday evening, was quiet, with guests at 3 tables. Manager/owner was very nice, cordial and english-spoken. We had nice fried sausage, as hors-d’oeuvres, and fried squid and steak a la Iguaria. We intend to visit again tomorow, at lunch time, for a cataplana, before heading to the beach area. Thanks again????

Prof. Leland Durgan Sr.
Prof. Leland Durgan Sr.

Muito bem.

Willy Pouros
Willy Pouros

Muito bem.

Blanche Abernathy DVM
Blanche Abernathy DVM

restaurant located in a non turistic area, it was empty and the atmosphere was a bit non confortable as we were the only customer, there were only few guys watching the match in tv. the location is a bit old, with old furniture, the lady who runs the restaurant was nice and friendly and she tries to talk a bit in english as we don't speak portuguese. the food was average, something you can cook by yourself at home.

Bennie Weber
Bennie Weber

We booked the restaurant 4 hours ahead but when we arrived we realized that the restaurant did not check the app in order to book the tables. Nevertheless we seated on an empty table and the employee brought bread and olives. We ate only the olives. We asked about the codfish but the employee told that it would take half an hour to prepare and therefore we asked for the grilled squids. It took 50 minutes for them to bring the squids and when it arrived we had to ask for better knives as the squid was really hard and they were not cleaned inside. In the end, they wanted to charge for the bread that we did not ask for, because we were supposed to tell them to not put it on the the table when they brought it... Lame experience, not to repeat.

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  • Peixe
  • Bife
  • Europeu
  • Terraço
  • Português
  • Cozinha Caseira
  • Carne
  • Inglês Falado


  • Terraço
  • MasterCard
  • Visto
  • Wi-fi

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